03 September 2013

Labor Day weekend...

Wow! What a weekend! We decided to drag the camper to Twin Bridges and spend the weekend at the river... Now this sounds like a lot of fun, and really it is...but it's also a lot of work! Shopping, packing, loading, unloading, unpacking, cooking, cleaning, more cooking....still it's always worth it, since we get to spend a lot of time with friends and family and NO phones! 
Cooking tends to be a long, drawn out process with these two...lots of cutting up, beer and generally taking their time. Their breakfast is always great though....worth the wait? Well.......

Sometimes the kids get a little bored, but overall they have a great time...they make new friends and get to spend a lot of time together. They get a little more freedom at the campground and the rules are a little slacker, so they are always ready to go.

And sometimes they get very tickled.....

And if you are taking pictures with your phone and lay it down...you come back to find this...and usually 100 more like it. Good grief.....

Yep, I enjoy our river weekends....

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